
UPDATE 3 June 2020: While no new appearances are scheduled, we are submitting applications to present at new conventions. If you are a convention staff member and would like to inquire about having us at your event, please use the Contact form.

We will be taking a hiatus for the months of Feburary through June, 2023. We will evaluate conditions in June to decide whether or not to extend the hiatus or return to conventions full-time.

Current personal situations make it so that we cannot travel more than a half hour from our city center, which severely limits what conventions we can attend and perform at.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Supporting ALL of fandom

In the past month, many state legislatures in the United States have begun debating bills that criminalize being transgender. There are several different versions of these laws, but the goal is the same. If passed, it would be illegal to present yourself in a manner that doesn’t match the gender you were given at birth.

Anime Game Show Party Studios will NOT support these laws in any manner.

We will NOT participate in any convention hosted in a state that signs these bills into law.

Conventions are supposed to be a place where everyone can be themselves. They’re made up of different groups that are bullied, ridiculed, and attacked in the greater population. Conventions are a place where they can be safe to be their true selves.

If a state will not allow that at its conventions, we cannot support that. Period.