Supporting all of fandom: An update

An image of the "progressive pride flag" - on the left side is a white triangle, surrounded by chevrons of pink, light blue, brown, and black. This takes up roughly a third of the flag. The remainder of the flag is covered with six horizontal strips, each a color of the "traditional" pride flag (from top to bottom: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple).

Sorry for the long radio silence. It turns out the surgery I had is known for being one of the most challenging to recover from. However, I am moving closer and closer to being able to return to full daily normal life in early June!

As I’m working to get back on my feet, I have been continuing to keep track of events unfolding regarding the slew of bills in various U.S. state legislatures limiting or banning basic rights for LGBTQIA+ people, especially our trans community

This means the states in which I will not be performing, attending, or staffing conventions in has grown dramatically. I am making a new page to keep track of states currently on the list, and hopefully celebrate when these laws are repealed.

URL for the current list is at:

I am not doing this to punish cons for just being in a state with lawmakers who support these laws. I am doing this to tell conventions to raise up the voices that are most affected by these new policies. Conventions, no matter their size,  have a giant social media reach. Many put on annual charity events and can direct the donations to organizations who support trans and other LGBTQIA+ people and their fight to simply exist.

LGBTQIA+ folks are literally in the fight of their lives — especially trans people. We as a community, regardless of how we identify, have to work together to make it crystal clear that this is NOT the America that America wants,