THANK YOU and Hello, Anime Crossroads 2024!

We got some AMAZING news coming in this morning!
We have been accepted to perform a whopping eight panels at Anime Crossroads 2024 in Indianapolis, IN! On the docket will be all kinds of fun and thought-provoking content, including some premieres!

  • BL Against Humanity (In Person Con Premiere!)
  • You Got This! Chronic Illness, Conventions, and You
  • Anime Family Feud
  • Swords, Sorcery, and Spaceships: Final Fantasy IV, 30+ Years Later (Premiere!)
  • Anime Game Show Party
  • It Gets Better, 10+ Years Later: How to Make It Better (Premiere!)
  • Let’s Play LIVE! The Jackbox Party Packs (Including the new Party Pack 10!)
  • Anime Password Plus (Premiere!)

This is by far the MOST panels and events we’ve ever been approved to perform at a single convention! Our deepest thanks to the Anime Crossroads staff for giving us this amazing opportunity and putting their trust in us. We will make you proud!

This also means if you haven’t gotten your badge for Anime Crossroads, now is the time! You can save some money by buying your badge early at the link above.

Ohayocon Status Update

Regarding the status of Anime Game Show Party Studios at Ohayocon:

We have yet to receive any confirmation or denial about the four events we have submitted to present at Ohayocon 2024. As that convention is less than a month away, some panels that were previously submitted may not be possible to complete now as they require a lot of pre-con writing, research, and surveying in order to bring you the quality entertaining and educational content that attendees and convention staff have come to expect from us. If word is received soon from convention staff, there may be a limited number of panels we can still perform with limited lead time. Further updates will be shared here.