Surveys updated

We have more surveys available! This update includes three new Card Sharks polls: One general survey for all anime/manga fans, one for anime/manga fans who are single, and one for anime fans who are ina relationship of some kind.

That brings us up to FOUR surveys available, enough to kill a good 20 minutes or so. You can send the survey page link at to a friend and have them contribute too!

Supporting all of fandom: Update #2

Today we are updating our LGBT State Status page. We have found a new source of information to factor into our decision that allows us to put additional weight on state laws that greatly affect how conventions run (such as bathroom bans or banning wearing clothes that do not match your birth gender).

This is still an imperfect method, as it doesn’t yet take into account laws that are not officially on the books but that are being discussed. For example: although only one state has officially passed an “anti-drag” bill, many statehouses across the country are debating the issue.

We welcome your suggestions on how to refine and perfect our methods, including data sources we may have not discovered yet. Leave a comment below or use the Contact form.