Category: Updates

Ohayocon Status Update

Regarding the status of Anime Game Show Party Studios at Ohayocon:

We have yet to receive any confirmation or denial about the four events we have submitted to present at Ohayocon 2024. As that convention is less than a month away, some panels that were previously submitted may not be possible to complete now as they require a lot of pre-con writing, research, and surveying in order to bring you the quality entertaining and educational content that attendees and convention staff have come to expect from us. If word is received soon from convention staff, there may be a limited number of panels we can still perform with limited lead time. Further updates will be shared here.

Ohayocon 2024

Our goal at Anime Game Show Party is to make the lives of convention attendees entertaining and educational, and to make the lives of convention staff a little less stressful.

There has been a lot of negative comments thrown at Ohayocon recently, and while we normally do not comment on such things, we do have a long-standing relationship with the convention, having served as staff in myriad capacities and having appeared several times as presenters and panelists.

For full transparency, we have submitted four events for approval at Ohayocon 2024. As of the writing of this post, we have not received a response as to the status of the submitted events. It was also to be a return to performing at in-person events following a long absence due to the global pandemic and other health concerns.

The information being made public is still new, and AGSP will be taking all information in and analyzing it as quickly as possible. Any changes to our status with the con will be posted here.

Citrus Con 2024? Already?!

Citrus Con 2023 was an overwhelming success thanks to the hard work of the staff, the wonderful guests, and the positive and supportive attendees.

And, I can already announce that I will be returning to Citrus Con in some capacity! I’m speaking with staff as to what exactly I’ll be doing, but I’ll be doing something! It’ll go into the Future Appearances page and you’ll get updates as time goes on.

Registration is already open, and if you’re a fan of yaoi, BL, or general m/m stuff, register for free here!

New Appearance! Citrus Con 2023!

We’re over the moon to announce that we will be appearing at Citrus Con, a new online BL convention, this August! Details are on the Appearances page.

This will be a busy weekend. We have four shows to share with BL fans:

  • Fujin Family Feud
  • BL Wheel of Fortune
  • BL Against Humanity
  • Let’s Play LIVE!: The Jackbox Party Pack

The best part? Registration for the con is FREE! You can register for access to all the fun here.

Please remember! Citrus Con is an 18+ event. If you’re under 18, sit tight, we’ll be coming to many more cons in the coming months and years!

Supporting all of fandom: Update #2

Today we are updating our LGBT State Status page. We have found a new source of information to factor into our decision that allows us to put additional weight on state laws that greatly affect how conventions run (such as bathroom bans or banning wearing clothes that do not match your birth gender).

This is still an imperfect method, as it doesn’t yet take into account laws that are not officially on the books but that are being discussed. For example: although only one state has officially passed an “anti-drag” bill, many statehouses across the country are debating the issue.

We welcome your suggestions on how to refine and perfect our methods, including data sources we may have not discovered yet. Leave a comment below or use the Contact form.

An image of the "progressive pride flag" - on the left side is a white triangle, surrounded by chevrons of pink, light blue, brown, and black. This takes up roughly a third of the flag. The remainder of the flag is covered with six horizontal strips, each a color of the "traditional" pride flag (from top to bottom: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple).

Supporting all of fandom: An update

Sorry for the long radio silence. It turns out the surgery I had is known for being one of the most challenging to recover from. However, I am moving closer and closer to being able to return to full daily normal life in early June!

As I’m working to get back on my feet, I have been continuing to keep track of events unfolding regarding the slew of bills in various U.S. state legislatures limiting or banning basic rights for LGBTQIA+ people, especially our trans community

This means the states in which I will not be performing, attending, or staffing conventions in has grown dramatically. I am making a new page to keep track of states currently on the list, and hopefully celebrate when these laws are repealed.

URL for the current list is at:

I am not doing this to punish cons for just being in a state with lawmakers who support these laws. I am doing this to tell conventions to raise up the voices that are most affected by these new policies. Conventions, no matter their size,  have a giant social media reach. Many put on annual charity events and can direct the donations to organizations who support trans and other LGBTQIA+ people and their fight to simply exist.

LGBTQIA+ folks are literally in the fight of their lives — especially trans people. We as a community, regardless of how we identify, have to work together to make it crystal clear that this is NOT the America that America wants,


UPDATE 3 June 2020: While no new appearances are scheduled, we are submitting applications to present at new conventions. If you are a convention staff member and would like to inquire about having us at your event, please use the Contact form.

We will be taking a hiatus for the months of Feburary through June, 2023. We will evaluate conditions in June to decide whether or not to extend the hiatus or return to conventions full-time.

Current personal situations make it so that we cannot travel more than a half hour from our city center, which severely limits what conventions we can attend and perform at.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Ohayocon 2023!

We’re coming to Columbus for the first time in a while! Join us at Ohayocon on January 19-22, 2023. We will be presenting THREE game shows:

Badges are still available for this long-standing con. Hope to see you there!

Event Lineup Changes

Some exciting news about the events we can bring to your nearest in-person or virtual convention!

  • NEW game show! Password, BL Style was a great success at FujoCon 2022, and is now an official part of the lineup. It’s available in BL, anime, or other specific fandom flavors.
  • NEW panel! Swords, Sorcery, and Spaceships: Final Fantasy IV, 30+ Years Later looks at this turning point in the iconic Square-Enix RPG franchise, how it revolutionized JRPGs, and how its effects can still be felt today.
  • Retiring event: Let’s Play LIVE! Super Mario Maker is being put on the shelf.

Take a look at the updated event lineup here!

Thank you, Fujocon!

Thank you to everyone who’s put their time, effort, blood, sweat, and tears into this unique convention for the past three years. As a fudanshi, I know I’m not the core audience of this media, but everytime I’ve interacted with this community, whether running my BL panel at RL cons or playing games with y’all here, it’s been nothing but positive and rewarding. I’m so thankful that everyone has welcomed my rather unique brand of content and humor with open arms.

I’m so happy that folks seemed to enjoy themselves throughout the entire con, and that’s a testament to the staff, exhibitors, sponsors, and guests for all coming together and concentrating on the real stars of any convention — the attendees, who are so very kind, understanding, and hilariously fun.

I hope y’all can join me in thanking the entire FujoCon team and the BL Garden of DFW for putting on three years of AMAZING moments for the entire, global BL community.

As for me, COVID is still very much a thing in Ohio, so local cons may not be a thing for me in the immediate future. But I’ll keep working on all my content, and at some point, I hope to see you at one of my events, whether in-person or virtually.

To the stars — and beyond!!