Anime Game Show Party

Anime Game Show Party

Last Updated 5/27/2021

Program Guide Blurb

What would happen if someone took some of your favorite TV and board games, added in a pair of dice and a wacky host, then threw it all in a blender and hit the smoothie button? You’d have a big ol’ party! Anime Game Show Party takes elements you’re familiar with and mixes them in with a healthy dose of anime trivia, stunts and dares, and two dice that can change the course of the game in one single throw.

Internal Description for Programming Staff

AGSP is an interactive live event. Three players, chosen directly from the audience, are challenged by various mini-games including trivia, word games, improvisation, and number games. There is some trivia involved, but an encyclopedic knowledge of anime isn’t necessary. IF players are familiar with most widely-popular franchises in anime, manga, and other geeky endeavors, that will work fine. Enthusiasm and energy are more important than book-smarts in this game.


AGSP lends itself to being “alternate programming,” scheduled against a staple event such as the cosplay and the rave, or in the late night block to provide a all-ages programming option. AGSP can run for 1 to 2 hours. Each match takes about 45 minutes.

Event Details


Projector with either VGA or HDMI hookup (please specify which so that we can have necessary adapters ready), 2 hookups to house sound or speaker system – one for laptop, one for music player (both will use a standard headphone jack). We will provide the software, buzzers, and props.


This event generally draws attendance between 40-100 people, so a room that can hold at least 40 would be great. In order to give ample room for contestants in smaller rooms, the host may move the first row or two of seating, to be replaced before the conclusion of the event. Please inform us if this is not permitted prior to the beginning of the event. We do not want to step on the convention’s or venue’s toes.


Any prize support the convention can provide will be greatly appreciated. This is not a large prize-budget show by any means. Runners-up will receive a very small prize (usually pocky or a button/pin) and if we have a win in the bonus game, it’s usually for convention swag (like a T-shirt or hat) or up to a complimentary admission to the following year’s convention. Other prizes such as manga, games, gift cards, or DVD/Blu-Rays can also be used. Any convention or dealer who offers prizes will receive advertising during the show, regardless of whether the contestant wins their prizes. (Convention and Dealer donations are all handled prior to your event; we do not “hit up” vendors randomly at-con for donations.) Please let us know in advance if food prizes are not allowed so we can adjust accordingly.

Show Outline

  1. Opening remarks 
  2. Contestant selection (Contestants chosen right from the crowd; no prior audition required. Generally we look for players who are energetic, confident, and competitive, with a basic knowledge of mainstream anime/manga/video games.)
  3. Contestant intro
  4. Explain the rules
  5. Determine who goes first by toss-up general anime trivia question or random number guess
  6. Main Game
  7. Bonus Game
  8. (another contestant selection and game follow if we are running for 2 hours)
  9. Final closing remarks/promotional plugs
  10. End

The official rules for Anime Game Show Party can be found here.