BL Against Humanity

Program Guide Blurb

The popular (infamous?) party game now has a BL twist! Using a deck of nothing but customized cards, play against your fellow fans. This hilarious fill-in-the-blank comedy game is sure to bring out the best of the worst in our players.

Internal Description for Staff

This interactive event is based on the popular party game “Cards Against Humanity.” All cards in this version have been custom-written by the host and previous players. Your convention’s attendees can also contribute new cards (subject to editorial review) prior to your event. The game is played using a program called Massive Decks, to avoid the need for a physical deck.

Event Details

Content Rating

18+ for obscene or offensive language. Much like the original “Cards Against Humanity,” material for this game is most definitely not safe for work.


The host con will need to provide a projector with a VGA or HDMI connection, and a 3:5mm (headphone jack) connection to the room’s sound system. One microphone (depending on size of room) is recommended.
The event does require an internet connection. This is not the responsibility of the host con. The panelist will check connectivity prior to the event to make sure the game can be played.

Event Length

1-3 hours. Event length can be flexible to accommodate gaps in your schedule.


Many conventions tend to schedule 18+ events toward the end of the day. Follow your convention’s procedures for scheduling 18+ events, if there is one. The event does well as the last event of the night.

Other Considerations

The show can attract large audiences who may enter and leave during the event. Please note this in your plans for age verification.
No prizes are given to game winners.

General Event Flow Outline

The host will launch the gae and set the rules to ensure games flow relatively quickly. Some rules include:

  • Hand size: 8 cards
  • Blank response cards: Off
  • Win at: 5 points
  • Maximum number of players: 8

The host will share the room code. Audience members, using their smart devices, log on and enter the room code for a chance to play.

All audience members not playing can still award “likes” to answers as they see fit.

Once a winner is declared, a new game is played with the time remaining. People who have already played cannot play again until all new players have had a chance to participate.

Online Event Considerations

This event would work well as part of an online convention. No modifications to the event are necessary. The host will provide a “spectator view” that can be broadcast to all attendees.