Supporting ALL of fandom

In the past month, many state legislatures in the United States have begun debating bills that criminalize being transgender. There are several different versions of these laws, but the goal is the same. If passed, it would be illegal to present yourself in a manner that doesn’t match the gender you were given at birth.

Anime Game Show Party Studios will NOT support these laws in any manner.

We will NOT participate in any convention hosted in a state that signs these bills into law.

Conventions are supposed to be a place where everyone can be themselves. They’re made up of different groups that are bullied, ridiculed, and attacked in the greater population. Conventions are a place where they can be safe to be their true selves.

If a state will not allow that at its conventions, we cannot support that. Period.

Statement on NFTs and AI

Anime Game Show Party Studios sees both NFTs and the use of artificial intelligence to create art, writing, and music, a detriment to the talents and skills of people who make creativity their passion or their profession. We will not support or use these technologies in any way in our work. All artwork is either created in-house or sourced to professional human artists who are paid fairly for their work.

Questions or comments about this statement may be directed to our Contact page.

Ohayocon 2023!

We’re coming to Columbus for the first time in a while! Join us at Ohayocon on January 19-22, 2023. We will be presenting THREE game shows:

Badges are still available for this long-standing con. Hope to see you there!

Event Lineup Changes

Some exciting news about the events we can bring to your nearest in-person or virtual convention!

  • NEW game show! Password, BL Style was a great success at FujoCon 2022, and is now an official part of the lineup. It’s available in BL, anime, or other specific fandom flavors.
  • NEW panel! Swords, Sorcery, and Spaceships: Final Fantasy IV, 30+ Years Later looks at this turning point in the iconic Square-Enix RPG franchise, how it revolutionized JRPGs, and how its effects can still be felt today.
  • Retiring event: Let’s Play LIVE! Super Mario Maker is being put on the shelf.

Take a look at the updated event lineup here!

Thank you, Fujocon!

Thank you to everyone who’s put their time, effort, blood, sweat, and tears into this unique convention for the past three years. As a fudanshi, I know I’m not the core audience of this media, but everytime I’ve interacted with this community, whether running my BL panel at RL cons or playing games with y’all here, it’s been nothing but positive and rewarding. I’m so thankful that everyone has welcomed my rather unique brand of content and humor with open arms.

I’m so happy that folks seemed to enjoy themselves throughout the entire con, and that’s a testament to the staff, exhibitors, sponsors, and guests for all coming together and concentrating on the real stars of any convention — the attendees, who are so very kind, understanding, and hilariously fun.

I hope y’all can join me in thanking the entire FujoCon team and the BL Garden of DFW for putting on three years of AMAZING moments for the entire, global BL community.

As for me, COVID is still very much a thing in Ohio, so local cons may not be a thing for me in the immediate future. But I’ll keep working on all my content, and at some point, I hope to see you at one of my events, whether in-person or virtually.

To the stars — and beyond!!

Fujocon 2022!

IT’s been a little while since I’ve had some news to report, but this is some big news!

I’ll be returning as a panelist to Fujocon 2022, an online convention dedicated to fans of yaoi and boys’ love (BL) and related subjects.

Two shows will be making a repeat appearance at Fujocon — Family Feud and BL Against Humanity.

Two other shows will be making their debuts at Fujocon — A BL themed version of Let’s Play Live!: The Jackbox Party Pack and a BRAND NEW event, Password!

Fujocon is 100% online, scheduled for June 24-26. Registration is FREE, so what are you waiting for?

Thank You, Fujocon!

I want to give a most sincere THANK YOU to the Fujocon staff for creating this fantastic event and for giving me the chance to spread my weird humor and game show nerdiness to y’all. I’ve helped run conventions before. I know how much stress it can be, and I can imagine doing it in an online space brings its own set of headaches. The staff did a fantastic job keeping the energy up and providing so many ways to engage.

I also want to thank everyone wno watched or played in the Gundam Wing panel, Family Feud, and BL Against Humanity. I had so much fun presenting these and I’m truly happy to know that people enjoyed them as well.

When doing BL panels at cons in the Before Times, my favorite part was the usual post-panel conversation with folks that would last until the wee hours of the morning. In that tradition, my DMs are open to keep talking about the medium that brings us together. My socials are also in the social-media-drop channel if that suits you better.

Once again THANK YOU EVERYONE and I can’t wait to see everyone at Fujocon 2022!

Schedule Updates: Fujocon and Animatic Con

In additon to Fujo Family Feud and Free! Match Game PM, we’ll also be presenting Gundam Wing: The Hot, The Weird, The WHAT?! This is a look at the fandom and the huge amount of fanworks created for this classic series. Be sure to look for it on Fujocon’s schedule! If you haven’t registered for Fujocon, there’s still time!

We are excited to announce that we’ll also be at Animatic Con in Cincinnati, OH from July 29th to August 1st. We have four events on the schedule: Anime Game Show Party, Anime Family Feud, and two Let’s Play LIVE! events — Super Mario Maker, and The Jackbox Party Pack. Hotel rooms and registration are still open! Check Animatic Con’s website for all the details.